Living for a while in Eindhoven, it struck me that this city has a turbulent past. My aim was to catch this past in a short moment, to capture the essence of this town in forms of memories and moods, merging in to another, as if you are in a sort of dream. 
A often heard cliché is 'One image says more than thousand words'. 
The good thing of a cliché is that they are repeated so often, because there is a certain truth in it. To catch the mood of Eindhoven in 35 seconds, the best thing was to pick the best ideas and moods that the citizens of this city have of their town. 
Combined with the background and history of Eindhoven, a city portrait was created by XAPF in accordance with the wishes of the municipality of Eindhoven.
The idea is to establish this short introduction onto other cities as well.
Made possible in accordance with Municipality Eindhoven
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